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Community Intellectual District

Q.I.C Center

The basic concept of the "Quartier de l'Intellectuel Communautaire" Research Center is to give traditional community intellectuality a modern structure that respects its genius while ensuring performance in the context of contemporary scientific research. Focused on the organization of the cultural subject, the QIC Center was designed to bring together research synergy between academics as well as wise community intellectuals and their cultural heirs.

The QIC Center is a center for interculturality and inter-rationality in action. It had its first seat in Cotonou (Rue de l'Afrique, 267- Gbeto).

To give the QIC Center civil recognition, the association "Quartier de l'Intellectuel Communautaire" was created, the general objective of which is to work for the reconstitution of the cultural and social fabric, for the emergence of a new model of development and the advancement of the work of inculturation in Africa.

The specific objectives of the association are to:

- encourage, support in the field and make known all the actions carried out by private individuals or non-governmental institutions with a view to the effective development and cultural promotion of the most disadvantaged;

- encourage any collaborative effort between community intellectuals and university intellectuals with a view to promoting new rationalities and an ethical renewal in Africa;

- help at the epistemological and methodological level of natural or legal persons in their research on African culture, in particular the movements that apply to the work of inculturation;

- provide youth with research, training and documentation centres. 

The QIC Association is recognized by the State of Benin as a legal entity (registration number 043/MISAT/DC/SG/DAI/SAAP of July 19, 1990).

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