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Key publications

New milestones for an African theology

January 2018


Various publications

Reference works


The Black Furrow. An African experience of inculturation,flight. I. Cotonou, Editions du QIC, 1991.

The Black Furrow. An African experience of inculturation,  vol. II, Theology, anthropology, Cotonou, Editions du QIC, 1992.

The Black Furrow. An African experience of inculturation,  flight. III, Policy, development, Cotonou, Editions du QIC, 1992.

Publications by our researchers


Bio-bibliography of Bishop Barthélemy Adoukonou

Born in Abomey on August 24, 1942, Barthélemy Adoukonou was ordained a priest in Rome on December 16, 1966.

  • 1967-1968: Trainer at the Ste Jeanne d'Arc Minor Seminary in Ouidah.

  • 1968-1970: Chaplain and teacher at the Collège Père Aupiais.

  • 1970-1971: Vicar at the parish of St François d'Assise (Bohicon) and chaplain at the Steinmetz and Ste Jeanne d'Arc colleges (Abomey).

  • 1971-1977: Study mission in France and Germany (Doctorate in theology).

  • 1977-1984: Rector of St Paul Minor Seminary in Djimè (Abomey).

  • 1978-1982: Professor of fundamental theology at the ICAO (Abidjan).

  • 1980-1984: Professor of anthropology and methodology of social sciences at the National University of Benin and at the Grand Séminaire St Gall in Ouidah.

  • 1984-1988: Study mission in Paris (State Doctorate in Letters and Human Sciences).

  • 1986-1997: Member of the International Theological Commission.

  • 1988-1999: Rector of the Foundation Seminary of Missérété.

  • 1997-2000: Professor at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute.

  • 2000-2009: Secretary General of CERAO.

  • 2002: Appointed consultor of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity.

  • December 3, 2009: Appointed Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Culture

  • September 10, 2011: Appointed Titular Bishop of Zama Minor (Carthage).

  • October 08, 2011: Sacred Bishop at St. Peter's Basilica by Cardinal Bertone.

  • December 16, 2016: Priestly Golden Jubilee

  • June 19, 2017, Farewell Mass at the Pontifical Council for Culture.

  • August 19, 2017, Meeting with the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Benin

  • August 20, 2017, 63rd Edition National Pilgrimage Dassa-Zoumè – 75th anniversary (August 24, 2017).

Books, articles and various interventions (conferences, seminars, workshops)

  • 1979: Death in African life, Paris, Presence Africaine Unesco.

  • 1980: Milestones for an African theology. Essay on a Christian hermeneutics of the Dahomean vodun, I-II, Paris, Lethielleux.

  • 1982: “The Vodun religion and Christianity faced with the problem of otherness”, ICAO, African religious experience and interpersonal relations. Abidjan, Savanes-Forêts, 567-595

  • 1985: “The Eucharist: an African approach to intercultural debate”, Communio, X, 3-n° 59, May-June.

  • 1986: “The Black Furrow. African theology as the work of the community intellectual”, Communio, XI, 5 n° 67 – September-October.

  • 1986: “Marriage and family in Africa” Communio XI, 6 n° 68 November-December.

  • 1989: Vodun: sacred or violence?, State doctoral thesis, Paris, Sorbonne.

  • 1993: Vodun, democracy and religious pluralism: contribution of Mewihwendo/Sillon Noir, Ouidah 92, Cotonou, QIC.

  • 1993: “Rereading of the Second Vatican Council”, Ricao (Review of the Catholic Institute of West Africa), n° 4, 99-108.

  • 1993: "Research with the intellectual in the regime of orality", An African experience of inculturation, II, Cotonou, QIC, 3-26.

  • 1993: “Condensed anthropology of southern Benin (area aja-fon), An African experience of inculturation, II, Cotonou, QIC, 55-73.

  • 1993: “The situation of African theology: uncertainty of accentuation”, An African experience of inculturation, II, Cotonou, QIC, 77-87.

  • 1993: “Testing places of the theology of fraternity”, An African experience of inculturation, II, Cotonou, QIC, 88-117.

  • 1993: “Young Churches, tradition and inculturation”, An African experience of inculturation, II, Cotonou, QIC, 118-158.

  • 2003: "Building the Church-Family of God from the inner sanctuary", Christianity and Humanism in Africa (Mixtures in homage to Cardinal Bernardin Gantin), Karthala.

  • 2004: “Theology of the Church-Family of God: 10 years later in the CERAO space”, Rucao (Review of the Catholic University of West Africa) n°20, 171-193.

  • 2006: "Inculturation and the Jewish Root of Jesus Christ", Preface, Martin Pradère, From All Nations, Make Disciples. For an evangelization that respects cultures, Paris, Editions de l'Emmanuel – Paulines, 7-15.

  • November 13-18, 2007, SECAM-CCEE Seminar to mark the 200th Anniversary of the Abolition of Slavery in Africa, Cape Coast, Ghana

Reconciliation and healing of memories.

  • March 19-20, 2010, Lecture, Colloquium of the Studium St Jean, Politics and religions facing the future, UNESCO.

            Church and Globalization: Call for a new governance.

  • April 15, 2010, Conference, Faculty of Theology of the Jesuits in Taipei

            African Theology Today.

            African theology at the time of the foreign mission.

  • April 17, 2010, Conference, Taipei.

Matteo Ricci, Model of cultural mediation.

  • June 6, 2010, Conference, International Training Session for JECI Chaplains and Animators.

The fundamental elements for an education in interculturality.

  • July 12, 2010, Speech, Cardinal Malula- Man of Culture Colloquium, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.

            Dialogue, Faith and Culture in the process of Inculturation.

  • October 17, 2010, Article, Le Sillon Noir is Forty years old, Rome

The Sillon Noir is 40 years old.

  • November 14, 2010, Conference, An African Model of Interreligious Dialogue: Christianity - Vodun, The RTA at the 2nd Synod for Africa.

The RTA at the 2nd synod.

  • November 15, 2010, Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, Vatican City.

Update on the situation in Africa.

  • December 18, 2010, Article, Review "Forum Africain"

Quest for a Pastoral of Rationality.

  • March 10, 2011, Intervention, Meeting of Asian Ambassadors to the Holy See, Pontifical Council for Culture, Vatican City.

“ Interculturality”.

  • March 14, 2011, Conference, Saint-Louis de France Cultural Center, Rome

“ Current Challenges of the Church in Africa”.

  • May 6, 2011, Intervention, International Colloquium, Jus particulare in current canon law.

“ Jus particulare and the Church in Africa. Anthropological aspects »

  • May 16, 2011, Conference, S. Domingo.

“ Culture, Development and University Education in Africa» .

  • May 20, 2011, Conference, S. Domingo.

“ Globalization and Interculturality”.

  • May 28, 2011, Conference, Colloquium of 150 years of evangelization in Benin, Paris.

“ For an African theology of missionary succession”.

  • October 21, 2011, Conference, All through the Cross of Christ, Pamplona, Spain.

“ Evangelization as a service to man and to society”.

  • October 26, 2011, Presidential Speech, International Conference, Bangalore, India.

“ Strong Global Economic System: Revealing the Logic of Gratuitousness in the Market Economy »

  • November 24, 2011, “Signature and delivery to the Episcopate of Africa of Africae Munus: A grand celebration.The Maturation of a Church”.

  • November 25, 2011, Conference, Lateran.

“ From the theology of inculturation to the theology of hope”.

  • February 7, 2012, Article, L'Osservatore Romano.

“ From the theology of inculturation to the theology of hope”.

  • February 9-10, 2012, Colloquium, “For intercultural education, the contribution of Catholic universities”, organized by UDESCA (Establishment of Catholic Higher Education), Paris.

“ Dialogue of Cultures and Intercultural Education”.

  • May 2, 2012, Interdisciplinary Seminar, From Ecclesia in Africa by John Paul II to Africae Munus by Benedict XVI, Rome, Pontifical Lateran University.

“ Church-Sacrament, Culture and Development in Africa ».

  • May 14-16, 2012, International Meeting, Listening to Africa: its contexts, its expectations, its potentialities, Roma, Pontifical Urbaniana University.

“ Biblical prophetism and leadership in independent churches and new African movements ».

  • June 3, 2012, Theological and Pastoral Congress on the Family, Milan

“ The family and celebration in the diversity of cultures ».

  • September 29, 2012, Conferenza teologica, Facoltà di Teologia di Lugano

“ Fede e cultura in Africa: Inculturazione, interculturalità e sviluppo ».

  • October 1-6, 2012, Colloquium, Center for Ethno-sociological Studies of Bandundu, Dem. Rep. congo.

“ Biodiversity and African traditions”.

  • October 2012, Article, “The African Church and the New Evangelization, Foundations of a Theology of Interculturality.

Foundations of a theology of interculturality ».

  • October 21, 2012, Articolo, L'Osservatore Romano, “Fondamenti di una teologia dell’interculturalità: La nuova evangelizzazione e la Chiesa in Africa.  »

  • November 21, 2012, International Meeting, "The Ecclesial Subject Initiating the Forum "Faith - Culture - Development"", Dar es Salaam (Tanzania).

  • November 28, 2012, Article L'Osservatore Romano, “Pastoral of Interculturality: SECAM in service of awakening the African Cultural Subject”.

  • April 22-26, 2013, 28th Theological Week of Kinshasa on Evangelization in depth, 50 years after Vatican II. Ways of expression, celebration and living of the Christian faith in the DRC, Kinshasa, 22-26 April 2013

“ Vatican II and Inculturation Emergence of the question of the subject and of culture as the hermeneutical key of the Council ».

  • June 3, 2013, Brescia.

“ Multiculturalism and Education Today ».

  • September 16-22, 2013, “Inaugural Conference, International Seminar on Jesus of Nazareth, Cotonou, Benin.

jesus of nazareth ».

  • September 30, 2013, Conference, Comunità di S. Egidio, Roma

“ Dio e misericordia ».

  • November 13, 2013, Conference, Intervention at the COMIUCAP International Congress on Order and Disorder in the Age of Globalization: Philosophy and Development of Cultures.

“ For a new order of the thinkable: the inter-sapiential. African proposal »

  • February 14, 2014, Conference, Celebration of the Centenary of the Saint-Gall Major Seminary of Ouidah, Cotonou, Benin, 

“ Ratio Formationis of the African Priest and Interculturality: Why and How to inculturate?  »

  • March 17-18, 2014, "Making memories...", University conference of the Diocese of Luçon and the Theology Department of the Catholic Institute of Higher Studies of La Roche-sur-Yon, Luçon, France.

“ From Creature Memorial to Redemption Memorial ».

  • April 7, 2014, Press Room, Presentazione del Convegno: "La Chiesa in Africa: convegno di ricordo e di omaggio" (Page of the convegno).

“ Omaggio dell'Africa ai Papi Giovanni XXIII and Giovanni Paolo II ».

  • June 2014, Article for the rivista Seminarium: “Dialogue of Cultures and Intercultural Education”.

  • August 2014, Conference, Festivities of the Holy Curé, Ars.

“ Christological Recentering and Holiness, Priesthood, Hope and Mission »

  • October 21, 2014, Speech at the launch of the pilgrimage program, Cairo, Egypt.

“ In the footsteps of the Holy Family in Egypt ».

  • November 20, 2014, Tavola Rotonda sul tema "La dignità del migrante", during the VII Congresso Mondiale della Pastorale dei Migranti, Università Urbaniana.

“ Young Migrants: Bridges Between Societies for Development ».

  • March 18, 2015, International Colloquium, "Living together in a multicultural environment: the denier of universities", Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

“ Culture at the service of living together ».

“ General summary of the work ».

“ Closing speech ».

  • January 26 to 29, 2016, Symposium on Alioune DIOP 50 years after Vatican II, Africa and the heritage of Alioune Diop: the dialogue of religions and the challenges of the present time.

“ Alioune Diop and Faith, Culture and Development ».

“ Alioune Diop and intercultural inculturation ».

“ Alioune Diop and Vatican Council II ».

“ Closing remarks at the Colloquium ».

  • March 21, 2016, Lenten Conference, Notre-Dame de Paris

“ Culture and Evangelization ».

Publications by our researchers


Publications by Edouard Adé

  1. ADE, Edouard, 2022. “Traditional African Religion”. In: Dictionary of African Theology, Editions Paulines – Editions ATA, pp. 618-625. ISBN FSP: 978-2-37360-188-6. ISBN ATA: 979-10-91927-07-9.

  2. ADE, Edouard, 2022. “An African reading of Christian responsibility in the face of the ecological challenge”. In: Higher Institute of Catechetical Pastoral – Higher Institute of Ecumenical Studies, Christian Responsibilities in the Ecological Crisis. Which new solidarities?, Paris, Editions du Cerf, pp. 133-142. ISBN: 978-2-204-15105-4.

  3. ADE, Edouard, 2022. “What line to give to inculturation today? Landmarks and beacons”. In: The Voice of Saint-Gall, n° 124, June 2022, pp. 65-72. ISSN 1659-5173.

  4. ADE, Edouard, 2021. “Prolegomena to a theology of life in Jacob M. Agossou”. In: Philsophât, International Review of Philosophy and Human Sciences, n° 4 June 2021, pp. 144-157. ISSN 1840-8737.

  5. ADE, Edouard, 2021. “Initiation to integral ecology: a preparatory course for peace education”. In: Jean-Paul NIYIGENA (dir.), Education for peace and the environment. Questions and perspectives of the Catholic school, Paris, L'Harmattan, pp. 371-384. ISBN: 978-2-343-24786-1.

  6. ADE, Edouard, 2021. “Outline of a hermeneutics of the notions of worship, culture, tradition and religion”. In: The Voice of Saint-Gall, n° 123, November 2021, pp. 11-19. ISSN 1659-5173.

  7. ADE, Edward & HEMA, Aimé Désiré, 2021. “The intercultural openness of human rights education for lasting peace in Africa”, in: Revue Djiboul, n° 001 – vol 5, p. 118-133. ISSN 2710-4249. e-ISSN 2789-0031.

  8. HEMA, Aimé Désiré & ADE, Edouard, 2021. “Le Leguere, a model of socio-political integration and development in Gouin country in Burkina Faso”, in: Proceedings of the International Colloquium “Public policies and construction of the nation-state in West Africa francophone » - University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin) from January 13 to 15, 2021, UAC, October 2021. ISBN 978-99982-63-59-8.

  9. ADE, Edouard, 2020. “God questioned in Africa”. In: Revue Spiritus, no. 240, pp. 315-327.

  10. ADE, Edouard, 2020. "Thinking of an alternative model of development based on a Christian and intercultural approach to the ecological challenge". In: Scientific Review - RS-UCAO 0002/2020, p. 81-101. 4.  ISSN 2630 – 1369.

  11. ADE, Edouard, 2019. “A theology of social change for a changing Africa”, in: DIARRA, P., OGUI, G. and POUCOUTA, P., Thinking about the African city of tomorrow in the context of globalization, Paris , Karthala, pp. 297-313 ISBN 978-2-8111-2647-6 [released September 2019]

  12. ADE, Edouard, 2019. “What intellectual figures for what “African presence” today? », in: African Presence, n° 195-196, pp. 623-635. ISSN 0032-7638 ISBN 978-27087-0921-8 

  13. ADE, Edouard, 2019. “The Heir Christ. An African Sketch of Christology”. In: Communio, XLIV, 2-3, March-June 2019, p. 173-183. ISSN X-0338-781-X

  14. ADE, Edouard, 2019. “Interculturality and cultural ecology: overcoming or new names for inculturation? ". In: Revue Théologique des Bernardins, n° 26, May-August 2019, pp. 129-158. ISBN 2-88959-100-X

  15. ADE, Edouard, 2019. "In search of a new theological method in a changing Africa", in: SOEDE, Nathanaël Yaovi, POUCOUTA, Paulin and SANTEDI, Léonard (Ed.), Culture, Politics and Faith in Africa. Blends in homage to Fr. Efoé-Julien PENOUKOU. Pref. by His Em. Laurent Cardinal MONSENGWO, Abidjan, Ed. Paulines / ATA, pp. 111-128.

  16. ADE, Edouard, 2019. “Beyond ideologies, a Christology for Africa”, in: Nouvelle Revue Théologique, Tome 141 n° 1, pp. 45-65. ISSN 0029-4845  

  17. ADE Edouard, 2018. “The Fa today in Benin”, in: The Voice of Saint-Gall, Major Seminary of Ouidah (Benin), n° 116 – December. p.p. 34-47- ISSN 1659-5173. [a study on the geomantic system in Benin]

  18. ADE, Edouard and BERE, Paul (dir.), 2018. New milestones for an African theology, Paris, L’Harmattan, pp. 281-304. ISBN 978-2-343-13119-1

  19. ADE, Edouard, 2018. “Science and technology as “locus pastoralis”” in: New milestones for an African theology, Paris, L’Harmattan, pp. 281-304. ISBN 978-2-343-13119-1 

  20. ADE, Edouard, 2018. “Theology in a city under construction. For a renewal of theological research in Africa”, in: Rivista Teologica di Lugano, n° 03-18, pp. 573-592 ISSN 14206730 

  21. ADE, Edouard, 2017. Synods on the family (2014-2015). Discernment on a synodal process, Cotonou, Editions du QIC, 90 p. ISBN 978-99919-2-791-6  

  22. ADE, Edouard, 2017. Inculturation explained. Theological criteria and pastoral issues, Cotonou, Editions du QIC, 70 p.. ISBN 978-99919-2-790-9 

  23. ADE, Edouard, 2017. “Rethinking anthropology in the face of the challenges of transhumanism? » in: Journal of Theological Anthropology and Social Ethics – Rathès, 1st year n° 1/ vol. 1/ Dec 2017, Cotonou, p. 31-58. ISSN 1840-8478.

  24. ADE, Edouard, 2017. “For an anthropological approach to time in Africa: the contribution of the cultural subject in the regime of orality”, in: RS-UCAO n° 0001/2017, Ouagadougou, pp. 141-169. ISBN 97829556306-9-3. 

  25. ADE, Edouard, 2016. “A life, a mission”, in: Mixtures – Giving the nations a heritage to Christ, Abidjan, Paulines, pp. 9-52 – ISBN 978-2-37360-059-9.

  26. ADE, Edouard, 2016. “Traditional sacrifices and Christian divine pedagogy (Theology and Anthropology for a dialogical approach to culture)” in: Revue DEZAN, LASANEA - ISSN 180-717-X of the 4th quarter of 2016, Cotonou, pp. 171-185.

  27. ADE, Edouard, 2016. “Daa René Akanzan. The Seeker of God », in: Mixtures – Tribute to a Seeker of God, Daa René Akanzan, Cotonou, Editions du QIC, ISBN 978-99919-2177-8. 

  28. ADE, Edouard, 2016, (ed.). Collecting the theological heritage of Benedict XVI, Paris, Word and Silence, 260 p. EAN 9782889186440.

  29. ADE, Edouard, 2015. Pozor pred trojanskimi konji! (Beware of Trojan horses!), in: Mednarodna Katoliska Revija COMMUNIO, 25. Letnik (2015) 3, Ljubljana, pp. 279-289 – ISSN 1408-9580.

  30. ADE, Edouard, 2015. “The state of higher education in Africa. The contribution of the Church”, in: UCAO, Colloquium anniversary of the UCAO, Abidjan, pp. 75-81.

  31. ADE, Edouard, 2015. "Faith, culture, development: a future project of the mission in Africa", in: SANTEDI KINKUPU Léonard (dir.), The evangelizing mission of the Church in Africa today . Challenges and prospects, Kinshasa, Ed. de la CENCO, pp. 391-402.

  32. ADE, Edouard, 2014. “A young Church called to move forward in deep waters”, in: Revue Théologique des Bernardins, n° 12, pp. 151-169 – ISBN 978-2-88918-442-2.

  33. ADE, Edouard, 2014. “The true and the holy in the traditional African vodun religion”, in: Pro Dialogo – Review of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Vatican, n° 2014/2-3, pp. 128-144.

  34. ADE, Edouard, 2014. “The contribution of traditional African religion to transitional justice. Vodun and justice”, in: PETIT, J. F. and GOUGBEMON, S., Towards intercultural democracy in Africa? – REPHI – Catholic Institute of Paris, Social Chronicle, Lyon, pp. 189-201 – ISBN 978-2-36717-090-9.

  35. ADE, Edouard, 2012. Called to make everything grow in Christ, Cotonou, Editions du QIC, pp. 1128 – ISBN 978-99919-979-8-8

  36. ADE, Edouard, 2012. “Inter-culturality in the theological thought of Barthélemy Adoukonou”, in: Called to make everything grow in Christ, Cotonou, Editions du QIC, pp. 11-28 – ISBN 978-99919-979-8-8

  37. ADE, Edouard, 2011. The Church in Benin – Meditation on missionary succession, Cotonou, Editions du QIC, 128 p. ISBN 978-99919-865-3-1.

  38. ADE, Edouard, 2010. “Consecrated life and African religions”, in: BEDJRA Edoh F. and KALUMBA Léon Ngoy (dir.), Consecrated life and African family, Abidjan, Ed. du CERAP, pp. 47-52, ISBN 97829153-527-2-6.

  39. ADE, Edouard, 2010. “Common good and African traditions”, in: Chemins d’Espérance – Revue du Grand Séminaire Mgr Parisot – Tchanvédji-Bénin, n° 26, pp. 19-27 – ISSN 1840-6602.

  40. ADE, Edouard, 2009. "Inculturation and culture of intersubjectivity in the service of peace", in: UNESCO, The dialogue between endogenous religions, Christianity and Islam in the service of the culture of peace in Africa, Paris , UNESCO, p. 238-244.

  41. ADE, Edouard, 2006. “Church-Family and Catholicity. An African reception of Meditation on the Church”, in: Henri de Lubac. The encounter at the heart of the Church, Paris, Editions du Cerf, pp. 201210 – ISBN 978-2-204-07823-8.

  42. ADE, Edouard, 2005. “Church-Family: from the Marian principle to the Eucharist”, in: La missione teologica di Hans Urs von Balthasar, Lugano, Ed. Eupress FTL, pp. 333-344.

  43. ADE, Edouard, 2002. The time of the Church. Sketch of a theology of history according to Hans Urs von Balthasar, Rome, Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana. TG. Teologia 79. ISBN 88-7652-907-1.

  44. ADE, Edouard, 2001. “The mystery of the present time for man”. In: The African man and the question of eternity. Synthesis of the Proceedings of the Cotonou Colloquium of the Spiritual Fraternity of Notre-Dame de Montligeon from December 27 to 31, 2000, pp. 38-39, Abidjan, Ed. Church of Purgatory.

  45. ADE, Edouard, 2000. “The African family of yesterday and today”. In: Pentecost of Africa. Review of consecrated life in Africa, n° 40, June 2000, pp. 25-34.

  46. ADE, Edouard (dir.), 1992. The Black Furrow. An African experience of inculturation, vol. III, Cotonou, Editions du QIC.

  47. ADE, Edouard (dir.), 1992. The Black Furrow. An African experience of inculturation, vol. II, Cotonou, Editions du QIC.

  48. ADE, Edouard (dir.), 1991. The Black Furrow. An African experience of inculturation, vol. I, Cotonou, Editions du QIC.

  49. ADE, Edouard, 1988. Gedegbe and Mewihwendo. The anthropological conditions for the emergence of scientific thought in Black Africa. Thesis in anthropology, Paris, René Descartes University – Paris V.

  50. ADE, Edouard, 1986. “The difference in question”. In: Savannas and Forests. Bulletin of Theology and Catechesis, n° 34-36, pp. 5-11.

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