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Scientifique de laboratoire

CRS-NDI Research Mandate

From the perspective of collaborative research for transformative social intelligence, the studies carried out at CRS-NDI are called upon to build an active interdisciplinarity with all of the eight scientific fields defined by the Network for Excellence in Higher Education in West Africa (REESAO):

  1. Health Sciences,

  2. science and technology,

  3. agronomic sciences,

  4. legal, political and administrative sciences,

  5. Economic Science and Buisness Administration,

  6. humanities and social sciences,

  7. letters, languages and arts,

  8. education and training sciences.

By taking as a model the African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education (CAMES), which has been able to give shape to a new specialty (Ontology, theology, religions) without shaking up the traditional ones, interdisciplinarity built from social intelligence and theological, will develop in the spirit ofFides and Ratio (John Paul II), of “enlarged reason” (Benedict XVI) and of the restructuring of universities and ecclesiastical faculties (Francis,Veritatis gaudium), as a transversal axis of dialogue with all forms of knowledge and their understanding in God.

CRS-NDI thus intends to respond to the mission clearly expressed by Pope Francis for Catholic university structures:

"The time has come when this rich patrimony of insights and orientations - verified and enriched, so to speak, on the "field" of the persevering commitment to the cultural and social mediation of the Gospel put into action by the People of God on the various continents and in dialogue with the various cultures – must converge in order to imprint on ecclesiastical studies that wise and courageous renewal which is required by the missionary transformation of a Church “going out”. » (Veritatis gaudium, No. 3).

In the same document, Pope Francis emphasizes the irreplaceable role of research centers in pursuing this objective:

“In this sense, we must develop interdisciplinary centers of excellence and initiatives aimed at supporting the development of advanced technologies, the qualification of human resources and integration programs. Ecclesiastical studies, in the spirit of a Church "outgoing", are called to equip themselves with specialized centers which deepen the dialogue with the various scientific circles. In particular, shared and convergent research between specialists from different disciplines constitutes a qualified service for the People of God, and especially for the Magisterium, but also a support for the Church's mission of announcing the good news of Christ to all, in dialogue with the different sciences in the service of an ever deeper penetration and implementation of the truth in personal and social life” (Veritatis gaudium #5; see #4,d).

 Thus in each of the CRS-NDI Collaborative Research Teams, there is necessarily a theologian.

CRS-NDI researchers, while respecting the epistemological and methodological requirements of their own field and the research theme, participate in the interdisciplinary dialogue required by the field of investigation circumscribed by the Center's research program. They thus alternate specialist work and interdisciplinary work.

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