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Africa in transition

Emerging cultural topics


A new cultural reality has been emerging for several decades now: the demographic weight of Africa is no longer in the villages but in the slums of large African cities. The high rate of illiteracy no longer equals the rate of rurality. Africa, uprooted from ancestral tradition and not integrated into Western modernity, the Africa of workers in urban and peri-urban cities, small merchants, motorcycle taxi drivers, hairdressers and seamstresses, etc., constitutes for the CRS-NDI animators the most significant sociological layer for the future of Africa but whose challenges are the most difficult to meet. Mined from within by fear, insecurity, the precariousness of living conditions, it does not really offer a stable structure over which one could have a direct and real hold.

The service that CRS-NDI strives to render is twofold. He develops an andragogy and a pedagogy which aim first of all to reconstitute the socio-cultural fabric of this population. On this basis, it periodically offers training that aims to make this social stratum not only a subject capable of welcoming cultural and social change but also and above all of being its actor. To such a culturally reconstituted subject on the way to becoming an actor in his own history, the journey of inculturation becomes meaningful and convincing.

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