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QIC Editions

The "Quartier de l'Intellectuel Communautaire" (QIC) Association was set up in 1990 to promote in the university environment the research in inculturation developed within the "Sillon Noir" movement born in Benin in 1970 and hosted in the space CERAO since 1978 as an original experience of inculturation.
The particularity of this movement is that it is based on the sages of traditional Africa subsequently called "community intellectual sages" because of the community nature of the constitution, management and transmission of their knowledge, know-how and know-how.
The expression “District of the Community Intellectual” was invented in historical echo to the qualification attributed to Dahomey (Benin) by Emmanuel Mounier: “Latin Quarter of Africa”.
The aim pursued by Editions du QIC is to promote and publicize the various methodological renewal efforts as well as the various cultural developments carried out at the School of Community Intellectuals.


Smiling Child
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